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 - InGame Rules -

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Guild leader
Guild leader

Number of posts : 146
Age : 32
Registration date : 2008-11-10

- InGame Rules - Empty
PostSubject: - InGame Rules -   - InGame Rules - EmptySat Feb 07, 2009 1:59 am

InGame Rules


1. Do not KS (Kill Steal) or roomsteal (in a matter of pure courtesy) - if a player KS's you, tell him to stop. If he doesn't, use F12 to screenshot it and send in a ticket to aeriagames.com/contact.

2. Do not beg/spam for gold - no exceptions are made.

3. Do not offend any of the players of Shayia.

4. Do not ignore people in guild-chat, if she/he asks for something, do your best to answer it.

5. Be active in the guild-chat and the forum.

6. Do not use offensive language.

7. Be active, the leaders will kick you if you're inactive for a longer period of time, unless the reasons for absence have been clarified.

8. Do not ask members of other guilds to join ours as this will only result in us making enemies.

9. If you outlevel in PvP, leave the area immediately.

10. If you choose to leave the guild - don't rejoin it 10+ times. 3rd time is a strict rejection.


Same as above, with the exceptions of rule #6.

[More rules to be added soon]
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