Hi and welcome - This is a forum for the guild A E O N. We are playing a mmorpg called Shayia.
01.Guild Name : - A E O N -
02.Leader : SirSpace
- Etain :
04.Language : English
05.Current members : xx
06.Server : Etain
07.Side: Alliance of Light
01.Guild Name : The Noble Creed
02.Leader : Zyrgel
- Lailah: Tree-Doc, WhitetigerN, Renegade and Faramir/Ommadawn
04.Language : English
05.Current members : xx
06.Server : Lailah
07.Side: Alliance of Light
01. Lvl : -DOES NOT- matter.
02. Mode : NM or higher
03. Be active. Will be kicked if you are offline in a longer time, About 2 weeks IF you didnt tell the leaders a reason why.
04. Age : well i think this is a important thing to write about, for me kids (like 10 years) can be annoying so if u are like 9-12 years DO not ask to much, things like : Give me money, Plvl me, etc. can be really annoying. Me and the others guildies WILL help you with quests and someother things IF you ask in a kind way.
05. Gender : Female / Male or dog or a cannibal etc. I dont mind all of you are welcome
06. Language : In-Game and in this forum i prefer that we speak english
I dont mind if you are from Nigeria or Korea, im from Sweden myself so i will accept every race, country, cultur etc.
07. If you want to join, feel free