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Pvp-rules. Empty
PostSubject: Pvp-rules.   Pvp-rules. EmptyTue Jan 27, 2009 1:20 pm

It's come to my attention that not all the lovely gamers out there are quite sure of what's allowed and what's not in pvp.
So I'm here to clear it up and shine some light on the situation. Or whatever you call it.
First things first -

Fair game - no doubt about it. It's true - it stings when you get killed in one single hit, but that's pvp to you.
Saying things like "But it's so unfair - the furies are always nossed Sad !" is only funny, not to mention covered in double standards since lighties nos just as much as furies do. End of story.

If you move, buff or speak - it's a fair game. Meaning that they have absolutely every right to kill you.
If you leader res, it's still a fair game, since you are given the option to either portal out of there or stay inside and give fighting a shot.
Standing at spawn is not fighting, not towning out of there despite knowing that the members of the opposing faction are perhaps stronger than you, and with no plans of fighting them - is just a waste of time.
If you're unsure about the rules, you can always ask (for) a GS - and they'll be happy to clear it up for you.
If you're a 120% sure that you've done nothing wrong - either do a really shiny photoshoot and go crazy with the ss-buttons (F12 & PrtSc) or get yourself hooked up with what so many players have been introduced to; FRAPS.
Once you've got your material, send in a ticket explaining your situation and including your media to aeriagames.com/contact.

If you're intersted in some further information I'd suggest giving this link a little love;
PvP Rules Compilation.

With that being said - I wish you all lots of luck and happy playing. Don't forget those res runes! affraid

/ [GS] Talulah
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Number of posts : 334
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Pvp-rules. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pvp-rules.   Pvp-rules. EmptyTue Jan 27, 2009 1:55 pm

you talk like you were a regulary GS talking on the Shayia forum Razz Razz
but i guess you couldnt say it any other ways either Razz

and about one thing; ppl write ss all the time right, well i have noticed when i am writing Shoes in the game it comes up like ss not shoes XP i find that a bit annoying bounce bounce

Snip Suspect Suspect Suspect
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Number of posts : 72
Age : 34
Registration date : 2008-12-17

Pvp-rules. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pvp-rules.   Pvp-rules. EmptySat Jan 31, 2009 11:43 am

You can turn the banned words filter off SN1P. Somewhere in user options
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Guild leader
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Number of posts : 334
Age : 31
Registration date : 2008-11-26

Pvp-rules. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Pvp-rules.   Pvp-rules. EmptySun Feb 01, 2009 8:25 am

WhitetigerN wrote:
You can turn the banned words filter off SN1P. Somewhere in user options

ye i know i have done it, but still why is it there? i dont think shoes is a word worth ban XP shoes = boots right?
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PostSubject: Re: Pvp-rules.   Pvp-rules. Empty

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